The IEEE QAI 2025 solicits proposals for special sessions, which are most welcome, in respect to the conference topics.
Special Session Rules
A Special Session will generally include at least 4 and a maximum of 6 papers. It is expected that Special Session Chairs engage with their research community to promote their Special Session and thus support an appropriate number of quality submissions to ensure sufficient coverage of the Special Session topic in the conference to warrant inclusion in the program.
For a Special Session with less than 6 accepted papers, regular submission papers may be identified according to the organizers to complete the Special Session. Alternatively, papers associated with the Special Session may be placed in the regular program.
Special Session paper submissions are reviewed via the same exact process as submissions to the regular program, and papers are expected to meet the same quality standards.
Proposal Submission Guidelines
Prospective Special Session proposers are expected to submit a document, including the following information:
- Title of the Special Session.
- List of organizers with names, affiliations, email addresses, short biographies, personal websites or Google Scholar profiles.
- Significance of the topic, timeliness, novelty, impact and relevance to the QAI community.
- Outline and description of the Special Session (this will be published on the website for accepted proposals).
- If this Special Session has been held previously in another venue, then the organizers should indicate this and describe briefly past attendance and outcomes, and why another special session is needed.
The conference puts strong emphasis on diversity and we encourage Special Session proposals from diverse teams.
Take note of the key submission deadlines:
Call for Tutorials & Special Sessions
Tutorials & Special Sessions Proposals Date
Tutorials & Special Sessions Notification Date